What is your school website?
My school website is http://28gym-thess.thess.sch.gr/
Does it embrace any types of social media to it?
No, it doesn't.
Does it host webpages in other languages in Greek? Why do you think it happens?- No, it does not and it happens so, that only the students and the teachers of the school can read the information it contains.
Start at magicteachersthess.blogspot.gr and then try to locate and access your Comenius classmates school websitεs. Do you get a good idea of how their school work?-
In our Comenius classmates school websites, the teachers and the students of each country, who participate in Comenius, publish the work they do in their meetings and other things related to Comenius.
Check out http://edubuzz.org/about/. Share with your classmates what strikes you most about it.-
What strikes me about http://edubuzz.org/about/ is that it is a more or less official platform that helps learner's communication through social media, rather than individual efforts of learners.
Acces the Saltash.net Community College in Cornwall website and discuss why this is a very progressive in social media school.-
In this school's website everything that both the teachers and the students do is published. This website contains general information about their school, it's history and about the curiculum organisation, too. Eventually, http://saltash.net/ seems very progressive because,it has no similanity with my school.Their blog looks very proffesional ant it displays that facilities and activities very well.
Do you think a school should or shouldn't set up a social media account?-
In our opinion, a school should set up a social media account so that the students could be informed about their subjects online. Furthermore, it is very useful for the communication between teachers ,pupils and parents.
Which social media account would you suggest for your school? Why?-
We would suggest a facebook or blogger account for our school, so that the students can become members of the whole school website and learn about anything new that happens.
Which educational social media network does your school use?-
My school uses an edmodo account, in which each student and teacher can become member of.
Do you think they improve the way students and teachers communicate? Why?-
In our opinion, educational social media networks improve the way students and teachers communicate, because teachers can post material from their lessons at these networks and make conversations with their students. In that way, students can inform about any subject anytime they want.