The article comments the tragic events in France. Confronts the ISIS like the biggest enemy for the west in our days. Also, the article contains comments from muslim world for the cartoon with the Prophet Mohamet saying "I'm Charlie", especially the reactions in Turkey for the specific edition of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Charlie Hebdo: muslim extremists, the new universal enemy of the West. Macedonia newspaper, ed. 19.01.2015 page 76 There was a reprint of the cartoon and a photo of protests. The pictures is not anymore available on the net. "The article is pro my topic, which concerns the freedom of speech.
"" The Jihadists' masacre, in the heart of Europe, and against a media that was a symbol of freedom of expression and of the Press, was aiming at the core of values of the western european system.""
"" ... the reaction from the muslim world showed the gap of values with the West.""
"".. the Jihadists show hypocrecy"".
"" ... they provoke a bloodbath"".
"" ... a new enemy, the extreme muslims"".
"".. their only compass is the absolute dominion over populations"".
""... against the world of freedom of the people and the self disposal of people and societies"".
'while the whole planet was saying Je suis Charlie, the muslims around the globe did not seem so unanimous. In Egypt the great Mufti warned Charlie Hebdo not to publish racist cartoons saying this would provoke a new wave of hatred"".
"" the saudi priest Yand Ammin Madani, impeached the new cartoons as rudeness, ignorance and stupidity"".
""Ahmed Davutoglou described the edition of the survivors of Charlie Hebdo as an ""open challenge"" and also declared being ready to protect the honour of the Prophet with the same way that we are determinded regarding our attitude against terrorism in Paris""." Translating the whole article in English is practically impossible, thus the most significant phrases were listed above and they are enough for the comprehension of the article.
"" ... the reaction from the muslim world showed the gap of values with the West.""
"".. the Jihadists show hypocrecy"".
"" ... they provoke a bloodbath"".
"" ... a new enemy, the extreme muslims"".
"".. their only compass is the absolute dominion over populations"".
""... against the world of freedom of the people and the self disposal of people and societies"".
'while the whole planet was saying Je suis Charlie, the muslims around the globe did not seem so unanimous. In Egypt the great Mufti warned Charlie Hebdo not to publish racist cartoons saying this would provoke a new wave of hatred"".
"" the saudi priest Yand Ammin Madani, impeached the new cartoons as rudeness, ignorance and stupidity"".
""Ahmed Davutoglou described the edition of the survivors of Charlie Hebdo as an ""open challenge"" and also declared being ready to protect the honour of the Prophet with the same way that we are determinded regarding our attitude against terrorism in Paris""." Translating the whole article in English is practically impossible, thus the most significant phrases were listed above and they are enough for the comprehension of the article.